Thursday, March 10, 2011

Were Can I Buy A Luna Lovegood Lion Hat?

Spring in the air ....

quando penso alla primavera
mi viene in mente il  ROSA ...

  Rosa nel cielo al tramonto che spazza via le ultime nuvole grige....

.....e rosa come i miei giacinti fioriti sul terrazzo !

E spero che diventeranno rosa molte altre cose che al momento non hanno un bel colore!!! ^_^

How To Make A Suction Cup Stick


oggi c'è un bel sole anche se stamattina era -2....un freddo !!
sto mettendo insieme le piastrelline del cardigan e mi sono accorta che veniva davvero piccolo,così mi sono rimboccata le maniche e ho "piastrellato" di nuovo!

   Ecco questi sono i davanti, ora sto lavorando la parte superiore per la strada è ancora lunga,pensavo fosse un lavoretto semplice! l'ho sottovalutato!!!

...ora it will take a caffettino! Who do you want? ^ _ ^

Monday, March 7, 2011

Copd Exacerbation Symptoms

beginning of the week!

you noticed the new button under follewer?
from there you can access a new blogghino where carefully gather and store all your prizes and gifts.
is still under construction .....

a hug to everyone!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Shareaza Doesnt Detect Ipod

good weekend ....

.... Carnival!

(festival, I do not know why, I can not stand!)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What Is The Best Attack In Pokemon

a glimmer on the horizon!

...questa mattina sembra di stare sotto una coperta di nubi,peccato che fa freddissimo,il vento è gelido!!! In lontananza le montagne sono invece illuminate dal sole vien voglia di prendere l'auto e raggiungerle!!

Monday, February 28, 2011

How Do White Heads Get On Your Labia

MARCH 1 ....

.....voglia di primavera!!!

Invece stanotte ha praticamente diluviato...stamani per uscire prendiamo il gommone!?

P.S. piccolo messaggio per chi segue il mio blog.
alle volte non riesco a rintracciare i nuovi follower, e mi dispiace.
lasciate un commento con il nome del vostro blog così vi vengo a cercare!!!
^_^ buona giornata a tutti!!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

How Do I Connect An External Blue Ray Drive

location ... Yara

viaaaaaaaaaaaaa ... .... ready!

Clear all square cardigan!

I show you how they are positioned to the rear and 2 side, maybe I'll change the pattern a little .... I do not know!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Brother Status Monitor Drucker Offline


... this time we hoped .... but ...
that anger! What a pain!

Specialized Dolce Sport Vs. Elite

cold morning! BFC

Today the air is really cold!

The hills around are all covered by snow!

There's nothing better than to get comfortable on the couch to crochet and do some

"Cat-therapy "!!!!

.... and watch an old film in black and white on RAI-3 ....

brrrr !!!!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Milky White Mucus Period Is Late


Today I want you to see all the beautiful things I received from my friends of Laura stitch.
Many thanks to all!! ^ _ ^

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Ghostbustersproton Pack Instructions


What Part Of The Shoulder Has Pain With Ectopic

Prime tiles cardigan ...

... here are the first, very soft and beautiful!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Vodafone Sim Cost In India

^ _ ^ Happiness is ......

today the package arrived containing my Christmas gift + birthday + Valentine's Day ... by my husband!
the beautiful felted wool tweed dk Rowan ... I will now

al lavoro per trasformarla in questo splendido cardigan...
Buon S. Valentino a tutti gli innamorati!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Butterfly And Babies Sayings


Motor Bike Cover Ducati


Saturday, February 5, 2011

Why There Is Relative Bradycardi In Typhoid Fever

Feb. 5 = 35 years

oggi è il mio compleanno!
ben 35 anni.....e me li sento tutti!!!! hahaha

Mmo Like Ragnarok Trickster


La cara Carla mi ha girato questo sondaggio!

Quanti libri hai letto nel 2010?
Premetto che sto leggendo pochissimo,negli ultimi 3 anni ho dovuto fare una cernita nei miei hobby ed ha prevalso il ricamo e la maglia sulla lettura!

novels and how many were not?
I like fiction books

The best book you read?
The cutting of the forest "Carlo Cassola"

The worst book?
The Da Vinci Code

The oldest book?
portrait Dorian Gray

The most recent book?
The Marvelous Adventures of Peter Rabbit (my daughter)

What is the book with the longest title?

one with the shortest title?
I can not mind

How many books have you read again?
little women, at the request of my daughter

And what would you read?
rarely reread them

The most read books by the same author this year?

Quanti libri scritti da autori italiani?
Cotto e mangiato (rientra?)

E quanti di questi libri sono stati presi in biblioteca?
acquistati o regalati

Dei libri letti quanti erano nel formato e-book?
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
I know I made a fool ... I am committed to the future!
And now this short step to the next five bloggers meme:






Friday, February 4, 2011

Incoming Server Zimbra

About UFOs!

is "the forest of Ries' of Parolin
.... was hiding in the closet! camouflaged among the abandoned old sweaters ... from March last year !.... but I dug up! I had forgotten
In the bustle of construction workers who have renovated the house in April, and I even started and finished the Pinewood meanwhile!

certain is that there is still ticked !!...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Jeff Hardy New Haircut

Pineta ....... terminataaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!!!

SIIIIIIIIIIIII !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's great, I've finished!

now I have to think about how to hang it to finish it, I do not know where to put it in frame with glass to strengthen it and make it ... or panel type .....

aspect advice!

yeeeeeeeeeeee what satisfaction! ^ _ ^

Monday, January 24, 2011

Funny Wedding Invitation Card Wording

surreal dawn .... ....

... the snow-capped mountains .... the moon .... cold air and sunshine .... HELLO!!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Gay Cruise Spots Ohio

"PIZZAAAAAAAAAA "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TONIGHT I offer you my PIZZA!!

400g flour 2 teaspoons salt
1 / 4 of yeast (about 6gr)
enough warm water

Line the text-oven with baking paper and grease with olive oil.
Create a dough elastic and roll it out to size of pan, put it in the text, anoint the entire surface with olive oil and let rise. I
after dinner I prepare for dinner (and then rises from about 14 to 19).

Preheat oven to 200 ° and, once studded (I ho messo passata ,sale e olio,wusterl,prosc.cotto ,salame,crudo una volta sfornata), infornate per 15' circa!!

vi assicuro che non è niente male!

P.S. i 2 pezzi mancanti sono misteriosamente scomparsi mentre andavo a prendere la macchinetta fotografica!

Big Boobnadine Jansen


Finally a date certain for NWA Opening: May 2011 !!.... there is still some time but we have to wake early, to have a great team and can start earning immediately from the first month.

Please remember that this is a great company, has some big names behind them and will sell and earn really very simple.

I invite you to visit the site where you'll find a detailed explanation of everything that will be addressed, not 'the same old company that distributes a One product they are interested in only a handful of people, but it will be a business at 360 °, fragrances, jeans, jewelry, to food, cafe ', food supplements, etc. ... to completely cover all users.

Hurry and get your position - to do this is simple: go to the site mentioned above, click the menu on the left of the entry "registration" and fill in the all: the voice sponsors kindly put my name "ANNALISA WIDOW "so you will be part of my group.

You can also just go shopping, that under your guidance will gain full autonomy in the need to be able to resell, in complete respect Italian laws, and you guadagnerai senza fare praticamente nulla.

Ricordo inoltre che con poco fatturato mensile (circa 2000 euro al mese) potrai anche richiedere la tua macchina aziendale per sviluppare sempre meglio la tua realtà di guadagno.

Ti invito cortesemente a contattarmi per ulteriori informazioni, ma intanto prendi la tua posizione GRATIS che confermeremo tutti insieme a maggio di quest'anno: lo scopo del mio gruppo sarà quello di guadagnare almeno 1000/2000 euro entro la fine del 2011.

E' un business nuovo e vedrai che non avrai difficoltà a trovare persone che vogliano parteciparvi, importante che siano persone davvero serie, solo con questa caratteristica si potrà andare avanti tutti insieme.

Ti aggiornerò su tutte le novità, entra e prenditi una decina di minuti per vedere l'enorme possibilità che è stata creata: non c'è un business sul web paragonabile da poter fare sia online che nella vita reale!!!