Monday, March 29, 2010

Kate's Playground Bathtub

Gaetano Capasso. Stage with Massimo Rizzoli

Sunday, March 28 was held in Naples the stage with the five times world champion and coach for 17 years the Italian national MAXIMUM Rizzoli,
The stage begins with the presentation of the sample Massimo Rizzoli, one of the teachers who organized the event, then move on to some exercises dissolution of the neck and arms. The master Rizzoli has been broken the ice and put at ease by saying "melt a bit because they are not accustomed to during my training so seriously." During the stage, thanks to some diagrams show yourselves from the teacher, we learned many concepts that help us in the technical and in our opponent unprepared in case of fighting, such as "not to assume the movements or reactions that may occur during a fight, because we kick that led to an adversary could have been an anomalous result, we have trained reflexes in patterns pair, where an athlete put his hands in one position and the other replied with shots that correspond to the given position, here the teacher pointed out to us that in training sessions such as these, the time interval between a stroke and a another should never be the same and it must also change the position so that the brain of the athlete who throws, you do not get used as if it were an exercise in tedious and repetitive, why we need to so that there is a decrease in attention, which we then associated with a return on their guard, after having scored the shot, so that the other side there is a direct simulation of the face and another thing Rizzoli master told us is that whatever action you reach the important and that you are the last strike, even if you can take so many blows to sign, subject to a minimum low enough to kick, not too powerful, detract from the eyes of the judges the action to be brought before you, then told us that being able to pull as many as possible low kick on the leg support is very useful, so it is difficult for the opponent, and maintain a stable position is throwing punches, because there is no support and we noted how useful it is absorbing a powerful low kick with a slight movement of the leg towards you going to prepare, so that we can then respond directly to the face and hooks up to a a position where it appears possible to pull a good low kick.
The stage of kickboxing is divided by a few minutes of rest by a full immersion in MMA, a type of combat that consists of different levers that can be taken and in many ways to block your opponent and then hit him, I noticed that you have to be equipped an excellent agility and I was amazed by the many ways to block and hit your opponent but also by a variety of ways to reverse la situazione e quindi riuscire a liberarsi. Il maestro ci ha detto anche che in questo tipo di combattimento un atleta anche se è stato lui “il protagonista”, nel tentare di infliggere leve o prese, non è il vincitore se il suo avversario ha portato più colpi pieni rispetto a innumerevoli “tentate” prese.
Mi è dispiaciuto in questo stage dover fare così tante cose, così interessanti, in così poco tempo, perché a me come penso ad altri ragazzi è stato un po' difficile assimilare tutti gli schemi correttamente, soprattutto se come me sono stati proiettati un un tipo di combattimento totalmente nuovo. Voglio chiudere questo articolo con un discorso che ci ha fatto il maestro Massimo Rizzoli durante lo stage, il quale lo ringrazio a nome di tutti i ragazzi del team M. Narciso di Michele Narciso, che hanno frequentato lo stage, ci ha detto:

<compagni, lo fanno solo perché hanno paura che questi ultimi possano arrivare
al loro livello, io mi auguro che voi tutti cerchiate di ragionare in modo da aiutare
i vostri compagni così che tutto il team arrivi ad uno stesso livello, e che così facendo
possiate crescere tutti insieme.> >

Saturday, March 27, 2010

What To Write In A Wedding Card For Boss


a KICKBOXING è uno sport da combattimento che combina tecniche di calcio caratteristiche di arti mariziali orientali ai colpi di pugno propri dello sport occidentale. storia: la parola kickboxing è stata inventata in Giappone negli anni sessanta. In quel periodo le uniche forme di combattimento a contatto erano il full contact karate, la muay thai, il Sambo russo, il taekwondo ed il sanda cinese. I promoter giapponesi, vedendo il successo dei match di boxing tailandese, decisero di eliminare i colpi di gomito, ginocchio e le prese. Rimase uno sport da combattimento nel quale gli atleti usano pugni e calci alle gambe, al tronco ed al viso. Si usano i calzoncini corti come nella boxe e nelle boxe thailandese. Nacque la "kickboxing giapponese", poi abbreviata in Kick Boxing o parola unica Kickboxing.

Gli americani precedentemente avevano iniziato a fare gare di kung fu e di karate a contatto pieno (full contact), celebri precursori gli atleti ed attori Bruce Lee e Chuck Norris. Unirono quindi le tecniche di pugilato a quelle di karate e le tecniche di gambe del taekwondo a quelle del karate e nacque così il Full Contact Karate. Campioni furono Bill Wallace e Joe Lewis, inseriti nella Hall of Fame delle arti marziali americane. Da qui nacque la confusione dei nomi and styles, as in Full Contact Karate strikes with kicks from the torso up while in Kick Boxing can also kick the legs.

in Japan was then created a tournament called the K-1, in which K is for Karate, Kick Boxing, and Kempo. In this tournament the rules are those of kick boxing, but they are also valid without taking knees and fists jumped and turned. The aim was to put athletes on the same ring of several martial arts sporting rules which would allow them to. Given the huge bags high and the enthusiasm of the Japanese in these events, the K 1, K 1 GRAND PRIX correct name has become the most important tournament in the world, where the best athletes are compared to Tokyo for the final. The rules of the tournament is called K-1 Style.

The punch techniques used in kickboxing are essentially the same as boxing classic direct, hooks, and combinations of the three pillars:

Direct blows extending your arm forward to strike the face or torso of the opponent . It is a key punch, and is taken advantage of the torsion of the supporting leg, back and shoulders
hook: fist launched managing to hold the arm bent, hook, turning the shoulder
post: blows from the bottom up, usually looking for the chin of the opponent, although it can also be directed to your chest or abdomen. There are several techniques
Football in kickboxing, some of these are considered essential, others are variations or special techniques that can be used in combat. However, the fundamental techniques used in kickboxing leg include the front kick, side kick and round kicks: front kick

: launched bringing the leg to the chest and then roll forward, to strike with the foot, the heel, or, rarely, the tip
side kick: similar to the front kick but launched from the side, rotating the support leg 45 degrees and going to hit each other using the plant or the heel
roundhouse kick or rotary : launched by moving the leg on a course-just- round, hitting with the tibia or the instep. This is achieved by twisting the entire body, starting from the foot support that running, wheel 45 degrees forward in the direction of movement. Can be directed to the opponent's legs, and he speaks in this case of low calcium (low kick), opposite (calcium medium or middle kick), or finally, the face (or high kick high kick)
Other types of kicks include, among others, football Cross (crescent kick), in which the leg makes a lateral movement upward to hit the face, kick-down (ax kick), in which the movement is opposite that of the crescent kick and foot falls from top to bottom and sides, usually used to open the opponent's guard, or football hook (hook kick) that is to hit on a course to return by making a rotation of 360 ° (plant foot or heel).

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Gia Mancini Tickled Feet Of Blonde

Stage Kickboxing and ShootBoxe with Massimo Rizzoli - Pozzuoli, March 28, 2010

We are pleased to invite you to stage Shoot Boxing and Kickboxing to be held under the direction of Maestro Massimo Rizzoli Sunday, March 28, 2010 at PalaTrincone Monterusciello of Pozzuoli (NA) from 09:00 to 12:00 .

It 'goes without saying that an internship with Massimo Rizzoli - champion of the world of Full Contact, Kickboxing, Thai Kickboxing, Boxing and Shoot extraordinary technical level - is always a event prevents for every practitioner and teacher of martial art or combat sport. We invite you all to participate, possibly indicating in advance your presence to the organizers.

The cost of participation is € 20 and inscriptions will be within the hours of 8:45 Sunday, March 28, to permit begin training exactly all 09:00.