Thursday, July 29, 2010

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Vendola wins the primary web

After having triumphed in the poll by IPR Marketing , Nichi Vendola wins another victory: that of the primaries on the web. A survey of the People
Viola sees assigned to 14,169 votes, 59% (8372 votes) to Nichi. In second place square Beppe Grillo, remote sidereal (1,000 votes acquired, or 8%). Following Antonio Di Pietro 7% with 982 votes. Gradually all the others.

the famous social network Facebook, the music does not change: the people on the network wants Nichi, Nichi Nichi and again. The fan page
governor of Puglia, between politicians di sinistra, è quella col maggior numero di iscritti: ben 192.175. Seguono Di Pietro con 118.579 iscritti e Luigi De Magistris 85.454.
In assoluto Vendola è secondo solo a Silvio Berlusconi: la sua fan page ha 227.524 iscritti ma il leader di Sinistra Ecologia e Libertà recupera ogni giorno almeno 1.000 iscritti (mentre il despota del PDL perde almeno una decina di fan al giorno, quantomeno su Facebook).
La pagina di Pierluigi Bersani , invece, ha appena 28.501 iscritti (e per pietà tralasciamo quella di Massimo D'Alema...)

Se poi dobbiamo cercare le fan page non ufficiali, gestite autonomamente da semplici cittadini che sostengono questo o quel politico, la situazione does not change.

Page Italy Apulia: Nichi Vendola 2013 premier candidate exceeds the number of members of the Bersani: 30,090 against 28,501 members and above, after the official page of Nichi, the one with the highest number of fans dedicated to the governor of Puglia. We then
NICHI VENDOLA candidate for prime minister in 2013 with 8,072 members, Subscribe to the best of Italy with 7,791, and Nichi Vendola SUPPORTERS NICHI VENDOLA with 6426.
If you try typing "Bersani premier" is not no fan page, così come per Di Pietro.

Ultima chicca: in un sondaggio proposto da si chiede: Se si va al voto, si confronteranno due leader: Berlusconi a destra e Vendola a sinistra. Chi ti convince di più come futuro premier?

Su 7.738 votanti, il 63,62% si schiera con Nichi, mentre il restante 36,38% con il piduista.

Sarà anche (o soprattutto) per questo che PD e IdV vedono di cattivo occhio la candidatura di Vendola?

Monday, July 26, 2010

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Hi, my name is Tonino Di Pietro and exchange views on Vendola once daily

Tempo fa, sempre sul mio blog, seppure io sia tesserato nell'IdV , feci un articolo con una  lunga raccolta delle delle incoerenze di Di Pietro  su temi quali "acqua pubblica/privata", "nucleare", "Ponte sullo Stretto", "appoggio a De Luca", "immigrazione e clandestinità" e quant'altro (mi scuso per essermi dimenticato delle sue contraddizioni sulla commissione d'inchiesta per i fatti riguardanti il G8 di Genova).
In seguito alle sue parole su Vendola , ho deciso di fare una carrellata delle sue dichiarazioni sull'attuale governatore pugliese. Tonino, come sempre, non si smentisce mai.

“Vendola si è all’improvviso ammalato di berlusconite, noi siamo la cura, gli stiamo dando ossigeno. Lui non è manco indagato ma si rende conto che sta sulla nave che sta affondando, di cui è il comandante. E invece di ringraziare i soccorritori, la magistratura, si arrabbia”
(Antonio Di Pietro, 12 Agosto 2009, tratto da  Di Pietro contro Vendola “malato di berlusconite” )

Accordo politico solo se c’è Boccia . Ricambio della classe dirigente e via Nichi Vendola
(Antonio Di Pietro, 30 August 2009, taken from Di Pietro: Nichi via agreement with the PD if there Boccia )

"Around Vendola too ill repute"
(Antonio Di Pietro , December 3, 2009, taken from of Peter: "AROUND TOO VENDOLA crooks." ALL'IDV LIKE Francesco Boccia

"Vendola has failed, is made by"
(Antonio Di Pietro , December 14, 2009, interview with " the new country - Daily Lecce and Salento"

Yes the names clean, yes to Vendola "
(Antonio Di Pietro, January 5, 2010, taken from the names is clean, is to Vendola )

" Puglia is at stake for the future of Region: one part the privatization of water, the construction of nuclear power plants, and other policies of the petrolizzazione usurpation of the territory desired by the center - which campaign you pretend sensitive to these issues, only to bow his head in If you win, to the dictates of Rome - the other a man who has demonstrated in the heart of Puglia and be part of the Apulian although it has been betrayed by some traveling companions "
(Antonio Di Pietro, 24 January 2010, taken from Greetings Vendola )

" I do my best wishes to Nichi Vendola. Nichi won the primaries thanks to its perseverance and, above all, with the support of civil society. Nichi Vendola's victory is the victory of the citizens on the diagrams of the logic of pre-party and party politics, is a political victory over the double oven and debase the logic of Jim Crow in a 'Risk "
(Antonio Di Pietro, 24 January 2010, based on Greetings Vendola )

"At the next election should be the candidate of the left and right to represent the social peace. For this we need not Nichi Vendola that would be a whole range of extreme left. "
(Antonio Di Pietro, 21 April 2010, based on Di Pietro: "Vendola can not be a future candidate for prime minister" )

" Vendola was recently re-elected governor of Puglia region and is also more demerits for the center-right coalition which broke up for the merits of the center who led in the previous 5 anni visto che molti assessori della sua giunta poi sono finiti sotto l’attenzione della magistratura per aver fatto male il loro dovere”
(Antonio Di Pietro, 20 Luglio 2010, tratto da  Di Pietro attacca: “Vendola pensi alla Puglia” )

Il premio nobel per la coerenza va ad Antonio Di Pietro!

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Even Google (or Gogol) is a communist! Enter "shit" and "head of c. .." Berlusconi


Dai che anche Google entrerà nella lista nera di B.
Ops... volevo dire "Gogol"

Monday, July 19, 2010

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blooms and leaves the love between the PD and Siena House League and PDL Pound

Dopo i manifesti anti-immigrati in  Campania , dopo i manifesti anti-immigrati nelle  Marche , dopo essersi schierati  contro i manifesti con baci gay , il PD torna alla ribalta, questa volta riuscendo a superarsi definitivamente: solidarizza con Casa Pound senza essersi minimamente informato sui  fatti .
I fascisti di Casapound aggrediscono un compagno del CAAT a Siena and then make the victims with timely press releases published by the reactionary regional press, the PD takes the bait as usual and before you make of how things have been sending messages of solidarity to the comrades. One may wonder whether these are simply idiots or do they now no longer even distinguish the difference between fascists and anti-fascists. But

PD stands for Popular Right? (Or Paraculo of the Right, if you prefer)

Sunday, July 18, 2010

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When asked to recount the "false signatures" of Mussolini ...

anger explodes the Northern League and berluscones after the ruling of Tar for the regional elections of Piedmont. For Calderoli "La sovranità appartiene al Tar e non più al popolo" ; Cicchitto la spara grossa: "La democrazia è malata"  (invece imbrogliare è un gesto civile, onesto e democratico); per Osvaldo Napoli (PDL) far rispettare le regole equivale ad un  "Un golpe politico-giudiziario" ; per Berlusconi   "La vittoria di Cota è andata di traverso a qualcuno" ; per Bossi   "Vuole sovvertire il voto" ;  per Cota  "Non c'è limite al peggio; si butta la volontà del popolo in un cestino" . E così via...

Peccato che nel 2005, per un episodio pressoché identico, il centrodestra si stracciava le vesti per chiedere nuove elezioni. Cosa accadde?
Ci fu una spaccatura all'interno del centrodestra nelle elezioni regionali del Lazio . La Mussolini creò un suo movimento, Alternativa Sociale , per fronteggiare e sfidare Storace in modo da poter competere per la carica di governatore. Tuttavia, a causa di presunte firme false, la Mussolini venne esclusa dalla tornata elettorale.
Come si arrivò a ciò? Si arrivò a questa situazione grazie alle polemiche create dagli esponenti di Forza Italia, della Lega e di AN, che denunciarono la situazione.
Può sembrare strano, visto che ora combattono contro la Bresso e il Tar per la decisione di riconteggiare i voti.

Li sentiamo in tutti i TG. Gridano allo scandalo perché la sinistra vuole falsare le elezioni. Ma ecco come la pensavano solo 5 anni fa, quando i problemi con le firme ce li aveva la Mussolini, allora loro antagonista!

Queste sono alcune delle perle degli anti-giustizialisti e dei garantisti di destra contro la Mussolini:

Giovanardi (PDL): "Le firme sono macroscopicamente false! Procure and offices responsible for excluding the lists presented in an irregular way. "

Tajani (PDL): "The competent authorities do random checks on the authenticity of signatures

Landolfi (PDL): " It 's a scam to the voters! "

Storace (right): "It 's a rigged game of cards. Here, you play dirty, the campaign must be fought on equal terms". "collected signatures false, it's over."

Martusciello (PDL): "When there are elections must follow the rules. "

Gasparri 1 (PDL): "We give a prize to the few who have put the genuine signature."

Gasparri 2 (PDL): "It 's a crime of association, an attack on democracy. What could be more undemocratic that distort electoral competition with forged signatures? The head of state has nothing to say? ".

Gasparri 3 (PDL): "It is not a political matter, but legal. Democracy is in danger, there are criminal implications. Should be deleted lists with forged signatures and should be pursued those that have facilitated. The head of the association is called Prodi ".

La Russa (PDL): "They can 2,3,10 questionable signatures happen, but we are talking about hundreds! Pecioni! They say they
behind phalanxes, then do not put together four regular signatures. "

La Russa 2 (PDL): "It was enough that Mussolini would gather signatures in a few thousand more."

Calderoli (Lega Nord): "preach good and evil scratching, talking about morality and then resort to mezzucci.

Formigoni [ Yes, he ] (PDL): "The rules should always be considered. E 'right that there is strict control of abuse and punished those who committed. Gli organi preposti verifichino se le firme sono corrette o false”.

Maroni (Lega Nord): “Voglio sanzioni ancor più gravi della semplice esclusione delle liste: chi raccoglie firme false fa una truffa elettorale”.

Alemanno (PDL): “Decidano i giudici. Moltiplichiamo i controlli: sono regole fondamentali per la democrazia”.

Capezzone (nel 2005 con i Radicali): “S’impongono controlli a tappeto anche con l’ausilio di osservatori internazionali (chiedendo un intervento immediato dell’Ocse), su tutte le liste presentate in tutt’Italia”.

Matteoli (PDL): "Counterfeiters."

Bondi (PDL): "disgusting and immoral behavior of the left does not condemn those who break the laws."

Castelli (Lega Nord): "The signatures gathered van honestly in accordance with the law."

Then he discovered that someone had put false signatures of the staff with Storace anagrafe unauthorized access in the region. And the Council of State readmitted eg rotary hell broke loose: barrel blind to red-black robes. Landolfi: "puzzling." Bartolini: "The courts establish the principle of illegality, the voters will punish the fraudsters." Cicchitto: "Forcing very serious." La Russa: "abnormal." Gasparri: "Paying salaries to the directors of State on February 31 only." Giovanardi: "shameful page of Italian history." Berlusconi: "Judgement paradoxical readmit a list with false signatures. To safeguard the fairness of the democratic vote, the Council of State would have to deal with the main fact, that the forged signatures, and not a technicality. "

In addition it would be too easy to remember the fury of the center to ask for new elections in Molise.

summary: if the forged signatures involving an antagonistic pair of PDL-League (in this case, Mussolini) is the fault of Prodi (as said Gasparri), the counterfeiters and immoral, whether involving forged signatures and a list of PDL League, is the fault of the Tar, the Bresso, Communists, and justice-Di Pietro.

Fila smoothly as oil (castor oil ...)

Saturday, July 17, 2010

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Vendola Phenomenon: Users of Italy Generation fill him with compliments


And now to those who tell him PD?

Comments taken from the site of Italy Building, can be found here: /

Thursday, July 15, 2010

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Open Letter to Deborah Serracchiani

Honorable Deborah Serracchiani,
are Videtta Pasquale, Manage Home Italy Apulia: Nichi Vendola 2013 premier candidate on Facebook, which has 27,000 members.

I am writing in regard to his statements reported by , that would tell her to "think the moderates" and "look at the centrist ... not to mention those on the left."

While respecting his views, both I and the subscribers of the page in question, we were fairly or very, disappointed by your statements, because we believe that the PD is looking too at the moderate and centrist, forgetting just those voters who identify with the values \u200b\u200bof the left (without the need for communists). Look at those too centrist or moderate means to deny political ideals that the Democratic Party had promised to respect. Remember that Bersani, both before and after the primaries, spoke of the Democratic Party with a social democratic vision. Too many distinguished ideals and values \u200b\u200bthe ideals of the left, with the centrists. The centrist conservatism is. The left should (the conditional is a must because of the situation in which the left finds itself) represent progress. She has expressed its support for gay marriage and adoptions by gay (proved much more progress of its current secretary Pierluigi Bersani che invece ha detto che "bisogna trovare forme di convivenza alternative al matrimonio" ): ebbene, io allora Le pongo una domanda: secondo Lei, un partito come l'UDC, da sempre scudiero delle teorie del Vaticano, o l'Api di Rutelli, sarebbero disponibili a trasformare i loro ideali o solo a discutere di queste proposte? Sinceramente ne dubito. Non possiamo guardare a quelle forze politiche contrarie all'acqua pubblica, ai diritti delle coppie di fatto, favorevoli al Nucleare, contrari alla laicità dello Stato. Le ricordo, che secondo un sondaggio IPSOS, Ignazio Marino ha dichiarato la stessa cosa . Noi non dobbiamo essere la fotocopia di questo Governo; noi dobbiamo essere l'Alternativa a questo Governo altrimenti la gente voterà la "bella" (si fa per dire) copia. Il PD non ha ancora un'idea chiara, un programma chiaro, se non quello astruso veltronianfranceschiniano del "sì ma anche". Il PD deve recuperare l'anima di sinistra, non quella moderata. Deve rafforzare l'alleanza con l' Italia dei Valori e recuperare obbligatoriamente quelle con Sinistra Ecologia Libertà, Verdi, Federazione della Sinistra . Bisogna distaccarsi dal partito di Cuffaro. Il PD non deve cercare di essere il partito di tutti, ottenendo alla fine di essere il partito di nessuno. Deve cercare di essere il partito di qualcuno, prendendo posizioni chiare e nette.

In attesa di Sue risposte, Le porgo Yours sincerely

Pasquale Videtta

Monday, July 12, 2010

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The PD mimics the League: Marche manifest anti-immigrant. It is not the first time ... Vespa

No, what you see is a poster on n League. It may sound absurd, but it really is. For a time (actually for the second time, then you'll see why), the PD preferred to replace the party Bossi (with PDL already does very often). On the left, in fact, you can see, in all its glory, the anti-immigration manifesto of the Democratic Party of Marche probably got infected by 6% from the League the last regional elections.
Just to refresh your memory: the PD of the Marche is the same that, at the regional in 2010, preferred to ally with the SVP of Cuffaro, rather than with the Federation of the Left (PRC PdCI +) Left and Environment and Freedom (despite having won in the Marche region, the center-left coalition, and even of the center , headed by the PD, has lost more than 90,000 votes ... and this time can not take it even with Grillo ). Now comes the
destrista-conservatism of this "party" has reached a level that makes it almost impossible to recover the moral, civil and political party itself.

I tried to ask the youth leaders of the Democratic Party of the Marches, Federico Scaramucci this, that, very democratically, preferred not to give me answer ( Fassino docet ). But then they complain if they are matched with PDL, if you define a party "undemocratic" (a real Democratic Party would not have prevented Grillo a candidate for secretary), if they are placed in the "caste" and so on.

Facebook Post to the sad news regarding this page (yet another) of PD, spend a few seconds here and get a notification, someone tells me that is not the first time the party takes positions Lega Bersani. I will provide links and sources, and here's to you, right, another poster weblog PDminusL (which may mean, in addition to PD-L, PD-League).

This time we move from the Marche Campania.
The author of this manifesto is Giuseppe Russo (PD). You could write about him so much, but a quick riassuntino more than enough: it is a De Luchi iron and just by his teacher Vincenzo De Luca, already convicted in first instance and investigated for crimes such bound criminal conspiracy, cheating the state, extortion and abuse of office , has "inherited" the pleasure of being investigated: it is finished the investigation on the mileage reimbursement of regional advisers and is accused of fraud and false. Despite being the last of the elect in Naples, has become magically the leader of the PDs Regional Council.

However, De Luca, who seems to have inherited not only the legal problems. In fact, Giuseppe Russo, according to the manifest mostratovi does not seem to have much sympathy for the Roma. You probably remember the words of De Luca, dating back to 2007, Roma : "I unmount the field of Roma and I do not care where those people will end up. In Florence they integrate? I take them to kick in the teeth, the starry sky we enjoy it ourselves. " Or: 'Immigrants? They kick in the teeth, and threw out to sea, before we escape our own dead. "

In short, the initiative that Joseph Russo boasts almost looks like a film reviewed, the film De Luca. A little 'as, for the umpteenth time, we review the film of a PD confused. Bersani
When he ran for the secretary of the PD, using a piece of a song of Vasco Rossi slogan: "A sense of this history." Too bad the song continues: "... although this story did not make sense."

Saturday, July 3, 2010

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convicted of defamation, nobody talks about it. Instead, for Labor ...

Della condemnation of our beloved insect Vespa non ne parla nessuno.
Il Corriere della Sera, Libero e il Giornale, che si dichiarano sempre garantisti e puntuali, non ne hanno voluto dare notizia.
Eppure per Travaglio furono subito pronti a creare un articolo sulla sua condanna per diffamazione, in quanto aveva paragonato Schifani alla "muffa e al lombrico" (diedero però poco risalto alla non-condanna per le affermazioni dell'editorialista de Il Fatto Quotidiano sui rapporti di Schifani con uomini mafiosi... l'avranno considerato un dettaglio di poco conto).
L'unico quotidiano a riportare la condanna di Vespa è stato il Corriere Mercantile (immagine tratta da Tafanus ), dated June 18, 2010. It's been 15 days and no article of Corriere Mercantile major media, no national newspapers, has reported anything.
The full story of what you can always find here on the site Tafanus (to be fair to him, it is right that the law on his blog).

On the other hand, however, we want to show those who work Corriere della Sera, Il Giornale and Free to report in a hurry (as they should have been done also for sale), the condemnation of Labor.

Ma state tranquilli: vi assicuro che a breve Feltri, Belpietro e De Bortoli (e magari anche Minzolini ...) faranno a gara per pubblicare la notizia.